Friday, April 6, 2018

Jorji's Short Story

Posted on behalf of Trena

*NOTE: Trena is my mom's "frister" (friend-sister)! She is the Laverne to my mother's Shirley (or maybe the other way around?) Trena is, in all our eyes, family; therefore, she's stuck with us! Ha. She has so selflessly cared for my mother from the beginning of this journey. Additionally, she's cared for each of us kids. What a blessing she has been. The following is a poem she wrote about my mom:

I took a walk not far from home one day,
And as I walked I caught a light that beckoned as to say,
Look this way and listen to a tale that's line on line,
But for a blink from God's own eye,
This story could be thine.

Put forth thy hand with loving care,
Embrace it as your own,
And you'll awaken in your heart
A gift you've left unsown...

Then through the window there I saw,
A face that shone with light.
Yet in her soul she cried for peace,
The balance wasn't right.

This girl bore scars beneath a smile,
No other face shall dawn.
And now another wound befalls,
And to her knees she's drawn.

Dear Father, I do beg Thee precious guidance, hear me pray,
Show me the path to take this time,
I'll listen...I'll obey.

I've trusted Thee, each awkward step,
With things I hadn't planned.
My thoughts are known to Thee, dear Lord,
I'm lost without Thy hand.

Then as she rose a light shone bright,
From every wound poured bright.
From my own heart, the gift arose,
It came with perfect sight...

I asked her how she smiled this way,
For it was not akin.
She said Father blessed her temple,
And calmed her soul within.

Don't take these words wrong that I speak,
Her fairness so well honed.
But what I fail to understand...
Was pain that she disowned.

And so I listen to her thoughts,
Of what would then become.
A path to take, sure way to walk,
To Him she had succumbed.

Through knowledge buried deep inside,
A soul that's lined in love.
For her Father, family, loved ones near,
She's learned to rise above.

Thank you so very much, Jorji, for the way you've shown me your unconditional love and trust in your Heavenly Father. Love, Trena

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